Chicken Cacciatore

This  recipe I have  adapted over the years  I don't use a whole chicken cut into pieces I use two free range chicken breasts which stay moist in flavour, you could use thighs, whatever you prefer.
I cook this dish for two, but you can double-up on the meat, stock and quantities of veg depending on how many mouths you have to feed.
This is a very simple way to cook chicken cacciatore, some recipe's say to cook for 1hour but I cook mine for an hour and half, just to make sure the carrots and celery are soft but again that is my personal preference.
You really get this lovely intense flavour coming through  from the carrots, tomatoes and especially the celery.
It takes no time to prepare and yet you create this fabulous meal.
I served mine with steamed broccoli and found that this was very filling.

My picture doesn't do the dish justice I feel ,so I apologies for that.

Chicken Cacciatore

Serves: 2
Cooking : 1.30 hr

2 chicken breasts cut into pieces
1 oz of butter
1 tablespoons of olive oil
1 onion finely chopped
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
2 carrots chopped
3 celery sticks chopped
Salt and pepper

1. In a flameproof casserole dish put the olive oil, butter and fry the onion gently for 10 mins then add chicken, salt and pepper and cook on a moderate heat stirring frequently for roughly 20 mins until chicken has a lovely brown  coating.

2. Add the tinned tomatoes, carrot and celery, and pour in100ml of water,(I used veg stock ) cover and put in oven at 180C/350F gas mark 4 for 1hr  until the chicken is tender and cooked, . DELICIOUS!!!


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